About Us

EBS1, was established 20+ years ago by parents with the purpose of maintaining their own children off the streets but then it became a purpose and that purpose is to keep our youth engaged in sports, physical activity whilst instilling core values such as Respect, Dedication, Discipline, Loyalty.

Mission Statement

Through positive coaching guidance, EBS1 will build better members of society. Our goal is to instill in children not only soccer skills but also core values, discipline, teamwork, positive attitude, safety, self-respect and respect for others, honor and integrity. Academic level will be emphasized so that children learn to keep a balance between sports and school work. 

Please donate! Anything helps our school grow. Unite to our cause and be part of the EBS1 community. Help us bridge some of the social and economic gaps. We want to continue offering a low membership fee so that all children can enjoy such beautiful sport.

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